Post by MELANIE MCVAYNE. on Jul 27, 2010 3:37:48 GMT
melanie michelle mcvayne ---------
10 Whats:
What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up?My life and how much it sucks.I kid, I kid. Going to work, of course.
What did you do last night?
Went out to the bar after work. It's amazing how little you care about crappy coworkers when you chug down a few drinks.
What is the most important part of your life?
I know this'll sound really silly, but my little sister. I want her to succeed and make it out in the world.
What would you rather be doing right now?
Probably reading or watching a movie, but this isn't too bad, I suppose. Even though I know I'll be eating my words by the end of this.
What did you last cry over?
A nightmare that I had. Honestly, I was just walking along in this nice field and then all of a sudden a hole opened up and I was sucked into it. Not pleasant at all.
What is your next day off and how are you going to spend it?
In two days, and I plan to spend it (hopefully) anywhere but at my house. Maybe I'll spend some time with one of the few friends I've retained from high school.
What always makes you feel better when you are upset?
A nice big tub of ice cream, or alcohol. I'm not too picky.
Whats the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
Someone intelligent, who is willing to put up with my quirks and opinions. If a man doesn't get upset if I tell him his goatee looks like crap, he's the right one for me.
What are you worried about?
That I'll be stuck where I am for the rest of my life.
What are you looking forward to most in this week?
Heading home to see my parents and my little sister, Casey.
Have you ever liked someone while you had a girlfriend/boyfriend?
It happens, but I never acted on it. I think it's absolutely pathetic if you lead one person on while dating someone else on the side. Spare the further heartbreak and just tell them upfront. Only creates more drama in the end.
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Have you ever been out of the country?
Been to England and Mexico. Then again, who around here hasn't been to Mexico?
Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
I was once a teenager. Does that answer your questions? If you want specifics, I'm not giving them to you.
Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
Well, obviously they weren't be a friend after said backstabbing, but yes.
Have you ever had the cops called on you?
No, oddly enough.
Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
By only a few months. I honestly have no problem with it, as long as he's not still in high school or what have you, but I've just never come across anyone that really stood out to me that was much younger.
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Of course!
Have you ever got a speeding ticket?
Yes, I was late for work, and unfortunately ended up fired as a result of the traffic stop. Bad day, needless tosay.
Who was the last person you saw?
My cousin Aleesha
Who was the last person you kissed?
A now ex-boyfriend by the name of Joe
Who was the last person you texted?
Who was the last person to call you?
My mother, asking what time to expect me this weekend.
Who is the last person you freaked out on?
Nearly freaked out on a customer at work, but I kept myself from doing so. True freak out? Joe.
Who did you last hug?
Who did you go with to your 1st school dance?
Guy by the name of Justin. Cute kid, though it wasn't really a 'date'. We were in sixth grade, for pete's sake.
Who is your best friend?
When was your last shower?
This morning.
When did you last see your mom or dad?
A few weeks ago
When was the last time you danced?
When I was at the bar last night.
When did you get married, or when do you want to?
Not married yet, and when I meet the right person, of course. Hopefully it'll be some time before I turn fifty, but I'm not too picky.
When was the last time you cried?
...this was already asked, I believe? Oh wait, no, it asked WHAT made me cry. As for when, I believe it was four nights ago?
When did you last go to the movies and with whom?
3 weeks ago, and with Joe. Didn't end well.
When did you last take a vacation and where?
England, and it was two years ago. I'm way overdue for another one.
Where do your grandparents live?
Maternal grandparents in California...and paternal grandparents are dead.
Where did you last hang out?
The bar
Where do or did you go to school?
Savannah High School, graduated in 08. No college yet, but saving up the money to do so, slowly but surely.
Where is your favorite place to be?
Home, as little as I'd like to admit it. And I don't mean my little studio apartment. I mean home, with my mother and father and sister. Seems pathetic.
Where did you sleep last night?
The apartment
Where would you like to move?
Pretty happy with where I am, though a larger apartment would be nice.
Do you like someone right now?
Not particularly
Do you like your vehicle?
What vehicle? Public transportation works just fine when you're trying to save for schooling.
Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Odd, this. I used to be someone else, and I wouldn't wish to be her if you paid me a million bucks. Abducted for three to four months out of a year? All because of a freakin' piece of fruit? Makes me want to swear off fruit for the rest of my life.
Do you have nightmares?
Does the future scare you?
Only if history repeats itself
Why are you best friends with your best friend?
She's my cousin
Why did you get a MySpace?
Cause everyone else had one? Seriously, that is why. I wanted to see what the big deal was, and so I made one.
Why did your parents give you the name you have?
I have no idea. Guess they liked the name.
Why are you doing this survey?
Boredom. Plain and simple.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Flight. Always thought it would be cool to fly.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
Not entirely sure.
If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring one thing what would it be?
Another person to keep company. Preferably a family member or a friend, so that I know it would be someone who wouldn't drive me nuts after two seconds.
Would you ever get back together with any of your exs?
Nope. What's in the past is in the past.
Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?
Yes, for Casey.
Are you happy with your life right now?
Deep. I guess I could say that I'm content, because I could always be worse off, but I could be better off as well. No freaky nightmares about Ancient Greece, a college education, a better job, a nice boyfriend...
I guess that's a no.